loops review

Loops Review

Introduction to Loops
As a professional working in the SaaS industry, I’ve often struggled with keeping my users engaged and informed. That changed when I found Loops, a modern SaaS email tool that has transformed my marketing and transactional email campaigns. With a user-friendly interface, effortless personalization, and seamless integrations, Loops has made the entire process of sending emails a breeze.

Loops’ User-Friendly Interface
Loops’ interface is intuitive and familiar, making it easy to use from the start. The drag-and-drop editing feature allows even those without coding knowledge to create professional, visually appealing emails. I’ve found this feature extremely helpful for polishing my designs and enhancing the overall look of my emails. With Loops, I no longer need to worry about creating stunning emails that will grab my users’ attention.

Effortless Personalization with Loops
With Loops, personalizing emails is easier than ever. With just one click, I can customize my messages to fit each user’s specific needs. This feature has led to a significant increase in my email engagement rates. Additionally, Loops’ intelligent user journey system allows me to send the perfect email at the right time. The level of customization and personalization that Loops offers has been a game-changer for my email campaigns.

Integration and Contact Management in Loops
Loops has been a revelation when it comes to managing contacts and events. The software allows me to easily import contacts and integrate with various platforms, including Framer, Typedream, Zapier, Segment, Webflow, and Census. The seamless integrations have streamlined my marketing campaigns, helping me reach more users and engage them effectively.

The Ease of Sending Emails with Loops
The ability to send emails immediately without any additional setup is a feature I adore in Loops. While triggering an email can be useful, there’s an unmatched satisfaction in just hitting the send button. Loops offers various types of emails, including Emailify and MJML, allowing me to customize my messaging further to better connect with my audience.

Loops’ Transactional Features
Loops has greatly improved my transactional email capabilities. With simple set-up and a clear distinction between marketing and transactional emails, I can manage my users’ journey seamlessly. The platform’s unique Loops feature allows me to trigger transactional emails and pause them when necessary. This has been invaluable in ensuring timely communication with my users.

Deliverability Optimization with Loops
In the world of email marketing, deliverability is key. Loops offers features such as domain setup, deliverability optimization, and insights from Google Postmaster, ensuring that my emails reach my users’ inboxes. I can even customize my sending avatar to better align with my brand. The robust deliverability optimization that Loops provides has been a crucial factor in my successful email campaigns.

Pricing – Loops Free Plan and Beyond
Loops offers a flexible pricing structure tailored to businesses of all sizes. I was particularly impressed with the Free Plan, which allows you to store up to 1,000 contacts and send up to 2,000 emails every 30 days. Light branding is placed at the bottom of the email in this plan, a fair trade-off for the free usage. Once you reach the contact limit, you’ll be prompted to upgrade to a paid plan, which offers enhanced features and capacity to accommodate growing businesses.

Below is an extended version of the blog post to meet your needs:

Loops: Revolutionize Your Customer Engagement with Automated Emails

Are you looking to streamline your email communication process and build lasting relationships with your customers? Look no further! With Loops, a powerful automated email software, you can engage your audience like never before. Loops not only saves you time but also ensures your message reaches the right people at the right time.

Understanding Loops

Loops is an automated email marketing software that allows you to send personalized and targeted emails to your customers. Whether you need to send a one-time promotional email or want to set up a series of emails for customer onboarding, Loops has got you covered. Its user-friendly interface and extensive features make it the perfect choice for businesses of all sizes.

Setting Up Loops for Your Business

To get started with Loops, you will need to create an account. Once you have signed up, you can access the dashboard where you can create, manage, and analyze your email campaigns.

Creating an Email Loop

  1. Choose a Template or Create a New Loop: Select from a variety of pre-designed templates or create a new loop from scratch. With the Loops editor, you can easily customize the content, design, and layout of your email.
  2. Add Recipients: Import your contact list and segment your audience based on specific criteria, such as purchase history, location, or engagement level. Loops offers advanced audience segmentation tools that allow you to target your emails more effectively.
  3. Set Up Triggers and Actions: Define when and how your emails will be sent. You can set up triggers based on specific actions, such as a new sign-up or a purchase, and schedule your emails to be sent at a specific time or based on user behavior.
  4. Add Personalization: Use merge tags to personalize your emails. You can automatically insert your recipient’s name, company, or other relevant information to make your message more engaging and relatable.
  5. Preview and Test Your Email: Before sending your email, use the “Preview” feature to check how your email will look on different devices. You can also send a test email to yourself or your team to ensure everything works as expected.
  6. Launch Your Loop: Once you are satisfied with your email, activate your loop and let Loops take care of the rest.

Sending Your First Email

Best Practices

Loops features a “low-html” editor, ensuring your emails are highly readable and less likely to be categorized as spam. Here are some tips for creating effective emails with Loops:

  • Avoid sensational copy such as “sale” or “discount” and refrain from using excessive exclamation points.
  • Keep your emails concise and get to the point quickly.
  • Use an attention-grabbing subject line.
  • Personalize your emails with merge tags.

Making Your Message Visual

Enhance your emails by adding screenshots, GIFs, or images. With the Loops editor, you can easily drag and drop images, add links, buttons, or dividers, and style your email using the style panel in the title bar.

Preview Your Email

Before sending your email, preview it to ensure it looks and reads as intended. Click the “Preview” button in the top right corner of the email editor to send a test email to yourself or team members.

Sending to a Large Audience for the First Time

If you haven’t contacted your user base before or haven’t done so in a while, follow these steps to build your domain reputation and warm up your email list:

  1. Set Up an Onboarding Loop: Create a Loop to welcome new users to your platform. Focus on your most active and engaged users, as they are more likely to respond favorably and boost your domain reputation.
  2. Engage Your Most Active Users: After your Onboarding Loop has run for a few days, import a CSV of your existing users or use the Loops API. Prioritize users who signed up or logged in recently to ensure higher engagement.
  3. Import and Contact Existing Users: Expand your audience by importing older users in batches. Monitor open rates and engagement levels to determine how far back to reach into your audience.

Understanding Email Open Rates

Email open rates can be affected by factors such as Apple Mail’s privacy protection and corporate firewalls. Consider using other metrics, such as click-through rates and conversion rates, or employ alternative tracking methods to gain a better understanding of your email campaign’s performance.

Getting Started with Transactional Emails

Transactional emails are automated, API-triggered messages sent based on specific user actions. Loops now supports transactional emails, which do not require unsubscribe information, as they are not promotional. To send transactional emails with Loops, use the API, authenticate with an API key, and follow the steps provided in the Loops dashboard.

Distinguishing Between Marketing and Transactional Emails

Loops allows you to send both marketing and transactional emails. Marketing emails are promotional messages sent to a list of subscribers or customers, while transactional emails are triggered by specific user actions. The key difference is that marketing emails include an unsubscribe link, while transactional emails do not. Ensure that you do not send marketing emails as transactional emails through Loops.

Wrapping Up

With Loops, you can revolutionize your customer engagement by sending personalized and targeted automated emails. Whether you need to send marketing or transactional emails, Loops provides the tools and features you need to succeed. Take advantage of Loops today and elevate your email marketing game.


Loops has revolutionized my email marketing efforts. With its user-friendly interface, effortless personalization, robust deliverability optimization, and flexible pricing, Loops provides all the tools I need to engage my users more effectively. I highly recommend Loops to any SaaS business looking to enhance their email marketing strategy.

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